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Gotha – As a translation company, we are proud to have been part of an important event – the awarding of the Wilhelm Bock Prize in the famous Gotha Tivoli, where the foundations of the Social Democratic Party in Germany were once laid. This significant venue has long brought together leading figures in the socio-political field to recognize outstanding contributions to strengthening social democratic and European values.

The prize, which was established by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thüringen and the city of Gotha, is awarded to individuals whose commitment to promoting democratic and social values is inspiring. This award bears the name of Wilhelm Bock, one of the first Social Democratic members of parliament and several times President of the German Reichstag, and stands as a symbol of the long tradition of European cooperation.

The prize, which was established by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Thüringen and the city of Gotha, is awarded to individuals whose commitment to promoting democratic and social values is inspiring. This award bears the name of Wilhelm Bock, one of the first Social Democratic members of parliament and several times President of the German Reichstag, and stands as a symbol of the long tradition of European cooperation.

Our company provided high-quality interpreting services of speeches and addresses to connect participants from Germany and Slovenia. Thanks to the professional work of our Slovenian interpreter, Ms. Urša Vidic, the participants were able to communicate freely, which emphasized the importance of dialogue for the preservation of European unity.

The award winner of this year’s ceremony was the former Slovenian President and Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, Borut Pahor. This prestigious award was presented in recognition of his long-standing commitment to promoting social justice, democracy and cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe.

In his speech, Pahor emphasized that his political path was characterized by both successes and challenges. He emphasized that he had always been guided by the values of a united Europe: Peace and security, democracy and human rights, tolerance and cooperation: ” In times such as these, Europe must stand together more than ever. If we want to defend our values, we need understanding in Europe. We need bridge builders between the European nations.

According to Pahor, mistakes are inevitable in politics, but it is important to work honestly and hard to ensure the well-being of citizens.

Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor and Commissioner for Eastern Europe Carsten Schneider was the laudatory speaker, while Knut Kreuch, Mayor of Gotha, and Dr. Ana Polak Petrič, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, also delivered greetings. The evening was accompanied by music from the “Louise Spohr” district music school. Matthias Wenzel, deputy chairman of the Gothaer Tivoli e. V., gave the closing speech.

Previous award winners include the former Estonian Prime Minister and European politician Andres Tarand (2009); the “father of German Ostpolitik” Egon Bahr (2010); the former leader of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party Ildikó Lendvai and the long-standing Member of Parliament and Member of the European Parliament, Federal Minister and State Secretary Katharina Focke, one of the first female Social Democrats in the cabinets of Chancellors Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt – she was honored for her life’s work in 2014.

For ReSartus, participating in such important events is always a pleasure and an honor, as well as an opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism. We are proud to have contributed to the success of this event by uniting the voices of the participants for a common European future.

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